I never quite understood how the choice of an Observant Jewish-based institution would affect my life when I headed out to medical school. At first, I didn't even notice that Touro University in Vallejo, California was even Jewish. As it was explained to me, the whole thing dates back to early Jewish immigrants who have been participating in philanthropy for a considerable part of our country's history. Their latest efforts have been to bring health education to the West Coast. The first and most constant thing mentioned during orientation was the food. I realized quickly I would have to get used to BBQ's without cheeseburgers--an awkward thought. The fact that we observe all Jewish holidays including Shabbat (half-day every Friday) certainly adds a positive spin on everything.
Luckily, the differences do go more than superficial and calender-based as well. During orientation, the school's Rabbi came forward and gave a quick lesson out of the Talmud, which spoke of the benefits and necessities of community. Moments like that will hopefully continue throughout my education here. Already I am learning more, as we were inducted to our clinical lives in the White Coat ceremony through the blasting of a Shofar, a Jewish horn. At the ceremony, we received one of the most pronounced symbols of our new profession, medicine. The use of the instrument intended to loan some of its awe-inspiring blasts (the same sound that fell the walls of Jericho) and of introspection and release (through its sounding at Rosh Hoshanah and Yom Kippur). All of these meanings blasted towards us as we attempted to understand the depth of what we began. A four year task, which really just begins our journey, of intense learning and preparing to serve community and sacrifice ourselves.
I sat in my auditorium chair, looking up at our imported prints of Chagall's stained glass windows, and took in the perspective of at least the coming year. I've closed myself off to traveling now for a while. Locked into a home, building relationships as much as I can in my free time, I cannot even imagine what might happen. I know much of the time will be consumed by books, studying, discussing, practicing, worrying, and all of the food-and-sleep withdrawls that accompany these things. It's worth it. It's something I've been working towards for a while. I'm sure I can manage it, but I'm also sure it will be tough.
I also cannot promise much inspiration in these digital pages. Without travel to inspire, and with books and lectures pushing me down, I hope I can still manage enough inspiration to collect somethings worth communicating, but I will even miss writing about my adventures of the last years. Hope those who have read along have enjoyed the excursion. We'll see where it takes us now.
To see me in all my doctorly getups, go to www.lifetouchevents.com
Enter the password "Touro"
Click on "Touro White Coat"
Then select the last page and scroll near the bottom. You'll find a group picture and my own. Sorry I'm too cheap to have my own camera, but I hope that gives everyone an idea. Thank you all.